martes, 8 de enero de 2013

Easiest catapult ever!

I love popsicle sticks! 

They are cheap, enviromental friendly, and easy to get. 

I found this catapult around the web I decided we had to make one with my kid. He was so excited about it, he even gave me the idea of making our own angry birds game. I'll try to make it possible, one of this days!

For now, let's make the catapult.

You need:

  • Rubber bands 

  • Popsicle sticks 

  • Small bottle cap 

  • Gorilla glue or hot glue gun 

1. Take 6 popsicle sticks and tie them together with a rubber band on both ends.

2. Take two more sticks and tie them tight on one end. 

3. Put the 6 popsicles in the middle of the other two. Tie them together with another rubber band as shown.

4. Glue a small bottle cap near the top edge with a hot glue gun. 

5. Have fun!

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